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- Когда Ангел падает на пол в финале эпизода, татуировки на его спине нет.

Стоп. Я где-то читала интервью с Дэвидом, и там журналист у него спрашивал:"А татуировка настоящая?" Дэвид ответил:"Могу показать" Значит, у него есть татуировка. Так куда она подевалась, я что-то не пойму?..

Ну, Дэвид полный приколист, так что сказать мог что угодно. Кроме того, если интервью было во время съемок Баффи-Ангела, то временное тату вполне могло быть на спине, но тот факт ,что оно там вечно "качует" уже доказательство его ненастоящности (сорри за фразу).
Кроме того, у Дэвида только 2 настоящие тату, которые были сделаны уже после Баффи, но где-то во время Ангела (надо в темах посмотреть, я искала тату в кадре - нашла в 3х16 :) ), обе на руках:

Что до курения... Я точно помню, что он затягивался девушкой, которую замочил сразу после потери души, но где-то еще, по-моему, он был с сигарой... Надо поискать.

Отредактировано DarkAngel (2008-07-16 23:09:31)






Отпадная инфа..жду еще...

Клер Крамер и Элайза Душку были в одной команде...А вот их совмесное фото...Кстати они вместе играли  в сериале ТруКаллинг в одной серии..



класс. жду ещё.



Где-то на форуме уже писала про тату Дэвида, найти не могу, если найдете - киньте ссылку  pardon* . Даже помню, про что пост был, но где...

Временно ушла искать курящего Ангелуса.



Пересмотрела серии с Анжеласом. Он действительно курил ,правда мало.
Так. Серия 2х14
Как я уже говорила, девушкой в начале:
Позже по приходу к Спайку и Дру. Уже после проверки на "детекторе добра" и до обниманий с Дрю:
http://i045.radikal.ru/0807/1b/22ba3d91b740t.jpg http://i074.radikal.ru/0807/cb/bd008f2fe53ct.jpg

В отличии от Спайка, Анджелас видимо предпочитал здоровый образ НЕжизни, поэтому практически не курил, а это было доказательством "злобности" и введено, небось, Ведоном специально, типа чтоб сомнений не было.



Первая фотки с ним просто класс)))



И вправду Анджелас курил... И как это я не заметила?..
А мне вот интересно: а сам Дэвид то курит?.. Или ему пришлось обзавестись этой привычкой на съемочной площадке? ))) Если да, то не завидую я актерам...



а сам Дэвид то курит?..

Мне вот тоже стало интересно. Не помню, что б об этом где-то упоминалось. Да и на фотках его с сигаретой не видела. Хотя нет, видела один раз на обложке журнала Smoke.
Так что не знаю...



Мерседес МакНаб исполнительница роли Хармони вампирессы в сериалах баффи и Ангела, так же играет вампирессу в эпизоде сериала Сверхестественное...






Еще немного иформации
1.01 Добро пожаловать в чертову пасть
Крест Ангела
Ангел дал Баффи крест ожерелье, когда он впервые встретился с нею 1.01 Добро пожаловать в чертову пасть  Она может рассматриваться носить ожерелье в 1,02 Жатва и 1,12 Девушка из пророчества.Крест позднее видели в 2,14 невиновности, висит на Баффи. Она имеет кресте за время до взлома учетной слезы по поводу гибели Ангел.
Энтони в роли Джаилса
Энтони Стюарт руководитель рассказал Би-би-си, почему он решил принять участие в качестве Джаилса:  "Когда вы английский актер в Лос-Анджелесе,большая часть того, что вы видите, достаточно карикатура, двумерная.  В основном идиоты или злодеи. Мы всегда признак фиглярничать колонизаторской которые несет ответственность за все происходит не так.Когда я прочитал сценарий для Баффи, я был раздут езды на то, что кто-то может реально записать.Обычно люди пишут сложных предложений, а также каденции и интонации, что американцкие писатели не могут писать.Джос Вендон имеет прекрасный способ с диалога.  Так что я был ужасно превратить страниц, чтобы выяснить, что произойдет, но громко смеяться. Очень редко вы получите сценарий, что так на месте. Первоначально роль привлекла меня, потому что я мог видеть много уровней, много областей играть ".
В 1,01 Добро пожаловать в чертову пасть, Уилоу показывает на Баффи, что она и Ксндер прервали, после того как он украл ее Барби.



Dawn, где ты берешь инфу в таком переводе. Не понялда ни слова  http://goodboard.ru/uploads/romantic/post-14-1208605506.gif



Dawn, где ты берешь инфу в таком переводе. Не понялда ни слова  http://goodboard.ru/uploads/romantic/post-14-1208605506.gif

Просто сегодня один сайт на английском нашла и пытылась через google перевисти.  :(

версия на английском
1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth

Episode Trivia
Amy Chance
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Amy Chance played Aura in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth and the unaired Buffy pilot. She has also been in Don’s Plum, Space Jam, ER, Step by Step and Punky Brewster.
Angel’s cross
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Angel gave Buffy a cross necklace when he first met her in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth. She can be seen wearing the necklace in 1.02 The Harvest and 1.12 Prophecy Girl. The cross is later seen in 2.14 Innocence, hanging on Buffy’s nightstand. She holds the cross for a moment before breaking into tears over the loss of Angel.
Anthony on Giles
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Anthony Stewart Head told the BBC why he decided to take the part as Giles:

“When you’re an English actor in Los Angeles, most of what you see is fairly caricature, two-dimensional. Mostly villains or idiots. We’re always the token buffoon colonialist who is responsible for everything going wrong. When I read the script for Buffy, I was blown away by the fact that someone could actually write for an Englishman. Usually people write complex sentences, and there’s also a cadence and intonation that American writers can’t write. Joss Whedon has a wonderful way with dialogue. So I was desperate to turn the pages to find out what would happen, but also laughing loudly. It’s very rare you get a script that’s so spot on. The role initially attracted me because I could see lots of levels, lots of areas to play.”
Anthony on Joss Whedon
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Anthony Stewart Head was cast on the first day of auditions, and was the first person to be cast on the show. He said:

“When I went to audition, it felt very good. I remember going to the Fox [screen] test and seeing Joss there, and I knew that I was going to know him… when you see somebody and you just know that you are going to know them for a long time and they are going to be a friend. I just knew it.”
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Aphrodesia was the student with Aura who discovered the “extreme dead guy” in the school locker in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth. She was the girl who asked “what kind of name is Buffy anyway?”
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Aura was a friend of Cordelia who discovered a body in her locker - the first victim Buffy saw at her new school in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth. The character is heard in the Angel episode 1.05 Rm W/A Vu when Cordelia talks to her on the phone, and she is also mentioned by Cordelia in the episode 1.12 Prophecy Girl:

Cordelia: “Well, it’s all in the AV room. The sound system and the decorations… and oh! Aura needs help moving the coolers.”
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In 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth, Willow reveals to Buffy that she and Xander broke up after he stole her Barbie, referring to the bosomy Mattel doll. In 3.07 Offspring, Lorne says:

“This is way beyond my ken - and my Barbie, and all my action figures.”

In 2.03 First Impressions, Gunn says to Cordy and Wesley:

“You two? I find Deevak, I’m gonna need more than C-3PO and Stick Figure Barbie backin’ me up, no offence.”

In 1.02 Lonely Hearts:

Sharon: “Yeah, I had that. - Only I had a him, where you had a her. Actually I just had a Ken and Barbie.”
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In 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth, Giles says:

“I’d much prefer to be home with a cup of Bovril and a good book.”

Bovril is the name of a thick yeast extract, which, when mixed with hot water, make a hot drink. It was formerly a beef extract and is as yicky as it sounds.
Brian Thompson
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Brian Thompson played Luke in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth and 1.02 The Harvest and The Judge in 2.13 Surprise and 2.14 Innocence. Brian has played a shape shifting character on two different shows: The X-Files and Birds of Prey. Brian has also been in Charmed (as Cronus in ‘Oh My Goddess’), Falcon Crest, Three Amigos, Star Trek: Generations, Walker, Texas Ranger, Dragonheart, Perfect Target and Knight Rider.
British Museum
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The Illuminata - the diamond the nerds stole from Sunnydale Museum in 6.09 Smashed - was on loan from the British Museum, where Giles worked before becoming Buffy’s Watcher. Willow mentioned this in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth.
Buffy’s choice
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The Slayer’s first interesting move when she went to Sunnydale was her choice in friends. On arriving at her new school she was instantly befriended by the most popular girl in school, Cordelia. Instead she chose the shy and nerdy Willow Rosenberg to be her companion. Buffy stated to Giles in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth that she was sick of being a slayer and wanted to lead a normal life (which in American High Schools, by default, means to be popular). Buffy’s choice of friends is therefore notable as an insight into her character. She saw through Cordelia’s guise immediately and instead chose more genuine and yet ostracised people, a brave move when she wanted to be popular. We saw via flashback in Becoming, Part One that Buffy was quite shallow before she was called as a Slayer. Her choice of friends in her new school could be a signal that as much as she hates it, being a Slayer has changed her.
Buffy’s moving door
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The front door of Buffy’s house changes in different episodes. In the season one episode 1.07 Angel, when Buffy is trying to close her front door on The Three, you can see that the front door opens on Buffy’s right. In the season two episodes 2.04 Inca Mummy Girl and 2.06 Halloween, we see that Buffy’s door now opens on her left.
Later in season two, when Cordelia talks to Norman Pfister in Buffy’s hall in 2.10 What’s My Line? (Part Two), you can see that the door handle of Buffy’s front door is on the left. But when Xander let Cordelia in the house in the previous episode (2.09 What’s My Line? (Part One)) the handle was on the right!
Carmine Giovinazzo
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Darla’s victim in the teaser of 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth was played by Carmine Giovinazzo, who played Detective Danny Messer in C.S.I.: NY. He has also appeared in In Enemy Hands, Pledge of Allegiance, Black Hawk Down, Terror Tract, For Love of the Game, Billy’s Hollywood Screen Kiss, No Way Home and Conception.
Carpe Diem
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‘Carpe Diem’ is Buffy’s motto, which means “seize the day”. In 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth, Buffy tells Willow “seize the moment, because tomorrow you might be dead.” In 2.13 Surprise, Willow reminded Buffy about “Carpe diem” in their chat about whether Buffy should sleep with Angel. And look what happened then.
Casting Angel
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David Boreanaz was the last major cast member to be cast for the first episode 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth. Marcia Shulman, the casting director for Buffy at the time, was having problems finding the right guy. She auditioned hundreds of men but eventually a friends of hers saw David walking his dog and called her, telling her he’d found the perfect ‘Angel’. He eventually became David’s manager. When David stepped into Marcia’s office (the day before filming was due to start) she wrote “He is the Guy” in her notepad.
Casting Willow
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The actress cast to originally play Willow was Riff Regan, though she only played the part in the original pilot episode. She didn’t work out and Joss started looking for a new actress. He says the network wanted a “supermodel in horn rims” to play Willow.

Marcia Schulman (the casting director) says that the problem with casting Willow was that the character is a shy and insecure person, so is the complete opposite of the kind of person most actresses are. Alyson was cast because she brought a vulnerability to the part, as well as being funny. She also read her lines optimistically rather than in a dowdy way, which is what most of the girls who auditioned did.
Charles Martin Smith
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Charles Martin Smith was the director of the first episode of the show - 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth (the only episode he directed). He is also an actor. He has been in American Graffiti (as Toad), Herbie Goes Bananas, The Untouchables, Roswell (as Sheriff Wilcox), Deep Impact and Dead Heat.
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In 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth, Buffy tells Thomas the vampire that he looks like DeBarge. She’s referring to the pop group consisting of five siblings who had a hit with ‘Rhythm of the Night’ in 1985.
Description of Willow
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The following initial description of Willow is from the original shooting script for 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth:

“[Willow]…is shy, bookish, and very possibly dressed by her mother. The intelligence in her eyes and the sweetness of her smile belie a genuine charm that is lost on the unsubtle high school mind. It’s certainly lost on Xander, though he brightens considerably to see her…[Willow’s] excitement at the sentiment [that Xander’s so happy to see her] is sweetly pathetic, and typically unnoticed.”
Description of Xander
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This description of Xander comes from the original shooting script for 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth:

“[Xander]…is bright, funny, and will one day be suave and handsome. Till that day arrives, he’ll do the best he can with bright and funny.”
Dreams can come true
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All of the visions in Buffy’s first prophetic dream in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth are clips from later episodes from the first season. Most of the clips are from 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth and 1.12 Prophecy Girl.
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Cordelia says to her friends in the Bronze in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth:

“My mom doesn’t even get out of bed anymore. And the doctor says it’s Epstein-Barr. I’m like, pleeease! It’s chronic hepatitis, or at least chronic fatigue syndrome. I mean, nobody cool has Epstein-Barr anymore.”

Epstein-Barr is a virus of the herpes family, and is one of the most common viruses in humans. It is named after Michael Epstein and Yvonne Barr, who, together with Bert Achong, discovered the virus in 1964.
Eric Balfour
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Eric Balfour (who played Jesse) played Gabe in Six Feet Under. He was born in Los Angeles in 1977. He began a career in TV and on film aged 15, when a talent scout cast him as a series regular on the musical show Kids Incorporated. Eric has since been in 24, NYPD Blue, The OC, The West Wing, Dawson’s Creek and Chicago Hope. His movie credits include The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, America’s Sweethearts, What Women Want and Can’t Hardly Wait (with Seth Green and Amber Benson). He starred alongside Bianca Lawson (Kendra) in the WB’s Fearless, and is currently in Conviction with J. August Richards, who played Charles Gunn in Angel from the end of season one.

Eric and his girlfriend Francoise own a shop on Franklin Avenue in Hollywood called ‘Lou Lou’, which sells the kind of furniture, art and clothing that Eric likes. Eric is a great animal lover, and he’s especially fond of Pitbull terriers, believing them to be misunderstood by many people. He is involved in a programme called “Pets In The Hood”, which takes rescued Pitbulls (who have been abandoned or abused) and brings them into a juvenile detention centre where the kids there are taught to train them so that the dogs can then be adopted. It’s good for the kids too as they learn to respect animals, as well as receiving training on how to work with animals.
Fighting the setting sun
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The sun was starting to set outside in the scene in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth where Cordelia tells the Scoobies about the dead guy in the locker, so Buffy and Cordelia looked more orange than usual. They had to bounce the light around and focus it on the actors.
From movie to TV show
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Joss Whedon has described the process by which Buffy developed from movie into the TV show:

It wasn’t really my idea. After the premiere of the movie, my wife said, “You know, honey, maybe a few years from now, you’ll get to make it again, the way you want to make it!” [Broad, condescending voice.] “Ha ha ha, you little naive fool. It doesn’t work that way. That’ll never happen.” And then it was three years later, and Gail Berman actually had the idea. Sandollar [Television] had the property, and Gail thought it would make a good TV series. They called me up out of contractual obligation: “Call the writer, have him pass.” And I was like, “Well, that sounds cool.” So, to my agent’s surprise and chagrin, I said, “Yeah, I could do that. I think I get it. It could be a high-school horror movie. It’d be a metaphor for how lousy my high-school years were.” So I hadn’t had the original idea, I just developed it”.
Fumbling Flutie
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The following scene between Flutie and Buffy was cut from 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth:

Mr. Flutie: “Oh! Buffy! Uh, what do you want?”
Buffy: “Um, is there a guy in there that’s dead?”
Mr. Flutie: “Where did you hear that? Okay. Yes. But he’s not a student! Not currently.”
Buffy: “Do you know how he died?”
Mr. Flutie: “What?”
Buffy: “I mean - how could this have happened?”
Mr. Flutie: “Well, that’s for the police to determine when they get here. But this structure is safe, we have inspectors, and I think there’s no grounds for a lawsuit.”
Buffy: “Was there a lot of blood? Was there any blood?”
Mr. Flutie: “I would think you wouldn’t want to involve yourself in this kind of thing.”
Buffy: “I don’t. Could I just take a peek?”
Mr. Flutie: “Unless you already are involved?”
Buffy: “Never mind.”
Mr. Flutie: “Buffy, I understand this is confusing. You’re probably feeling a lot right now. You should share those feelings. With someone else.”
Gareth Davies
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Gareth Davies was a producer on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Firefly. He is also a producer on Miss Match, which has featured both Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia) and Nathan Fillion (Mal in Firefly). Gareth was co-executive producer on Remington Steele. Gareth originally worked at the BBC. He said in an interview with them about his job on Buffy:

“I’m the … line producer, basically. Joss and the writers come up with the script, they give it to me and the Heads of Departments and we then decide how to put the thing together and how to make it. We are the practical guys who put the things together.”
Gareth on Nick
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Buffy line producer Gareth Davies said about Nicholas Brendon:

Nick Brendon is the guy that I’ve always wanted to see break out. Not only is he a great looking guy - and I think he’s actually probably a better looking guy than we portray him because we portray him as a much younger sort of guy - but I always think of him as like a Cary Grant sort of character. He’s got the humour, he’s got the looks. In the future I wouldn’t be surprised to see him break out.
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The town of Sunnydale stands on a hellmouth, which is situated underneath the library of the local High School (and later the Principal’s office). The hellmouth can be defined as a mystical portal between realities or as a gateway to other hell dimensions. Strange and mystical occurrences, and demonic activity converge above the hellmouth. In 7.22 Chosen, Giles stated that there is another hellmouth in Cleveland, which suggests that there could be yet more. In that episode, Buffy and her gang of potential Slayers entered the hellmouth to fight the First Evil’s army of Turok-Han. The Sunnydale hellmouth was destroyed when Spike used an amulet to burn evil there. The hellmouth fell in on itself, taking Spike and Sunnydale with it.
I was in the library
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The shooting script for 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth included an alternate exchange in the scene when Xander chases after Buffy when she leaves the Bronze to find Willow:

Xander: “Why, you know something about Mr. Goodbar that she doesn’t? Oh! Hey. I hope he’s not a vampire. ‘Cause then you’ve have to slay him.”
She turns back to him, surprised and miffed.
Buffy: “Was there a school bulletin? Was it in the news? Is there anybody in this town who doesn’t know I’m a Slayer?”
Xander: “I only know you think you’re a Slayer, and I only know that ’cause I was in the library today.”
J. Patrick Lawlor
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J. Patrick Lawlor played Thomas the vampire in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth (the first vampire to be staked on the show). He has also been in Pleasantville, in which Marc Blucas (Riley) and Danny Strong (Jonathan) also appeared.
James Spader and John Tesh
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Cordelia takes out a questionnaire on Buffy in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth, testing her “coolness”. She asks her about James Spader (80’s brat pack movie star who featured in Pretty in Pink, Sex, Lies and Videotape, Crash and The Secretary) and John Tesh (a former TV host and musician).
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Jesse was the best friend of Willow and Xander. Jesse had a thing for Cordelia, who constantly rebuffed him. Jesse chatted up Darla in The Bronze, not realising she was a vampire. She took him to the Master, and Jesse was killed and sired by vampires to be used as bait. Jesse was staked by Xander, who never mentioned his friend again.
Joss on Cordelia
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Joss Whedon said of Cordelia in his DVD commentary:

“Cordelia… is the classic evil high school bitch… The idea here was to set up that she would see Buffy as someone she identified with. In the movie, Buffy started out, basically, as Cordelia… the idea that Cordelia, the popular, mean, superficial one would…latch on to her makes perfect sense. And we wanted to sort of introduce Cordelia as somebody you thought might be nice, a little scatty maybe, but kind of endearing, and then turn it around and have her just lay into…Willow so that you realize, ‘Oh, she’s not exactly what I thought she was, either.’ And set up our sympathy for Willow, and also for Buffy, when Buffy gravitates towards Willow, clearly because she’s upset that Willow has been attacked.”
Ken Lerner
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Ken Lerner played Principal Flutie in season one. Ken studied acting in New York, and appeared in a few Broadway shows before moving to Los Angeles. He was cast in Happy Days, where he played several roles, including tough guy Frankie Bing Bong, Demolition Derby driver Rocko Malacchi, and Fonzie’s best friend, Rocko Baruffi. Ken has worked on screen for the last 25 years. He has appeared in more than 50 television shows, including NYPD Blue, Chicago Hope, ER, Judging Amy, The Drew Carey Show, Dharma and Greg, Beverly Hills 90210, LA Law, Family Ties and Hill Street Blues. Ken’s films include Unlawful Entry, The Fabulous Baker Boys, The Story of Us and Irreconcilable Differences. Ken has also starred in U.S. commercials for Snickers, Federal Express, McDonalds, Toyota and Delta Airlines. Ken has been teaching acting classes for the past twelve years and has helped numerous actors get acting jobs. His past and present students include Sheena Easton and Famke Janssen.
Kill them all
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In 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth, Angel says about vampires to Buffy:

“You want to kill them. You want to kill them all.”

In the season two episode 2.01 When She Was Bad, Angel asks Buffy how she is going to distract the vampires to which she responds:

“I’m gonna kill them all.”

In 2.17 Disharmony, Wesley says when surrounded by cultist vamps:

“Kill em all!”

In 5.10 Soul Purpose, Angel says:

Angel: “Let’s kill them all.”
(Everyone looks at Angel.)
Fred: “What?”
Angel: “Warlocks, minions—they’re all evil. Sold their kids to the devil. Let’s just wipe ‘em all out. We got the power to do that, right?”
Kill to live in L.A.
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Cordelia said to Buffy the first time she met her that she’d “kill to live in L.A.” Her wish was fulfilled (and she only had to kill a couple of vampires!) when Cordelia left Sunnydale after graduation to move to Los Angeles.
Kristine’s first scene
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Kristine Sutherland revealed a blunder she made during filming of her first scene in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth:

“It was the very first scene of the very first episode, where I was dropping Buffy off at school. I had done TV before but never really been involved in a series, so I was very nervous. Things went pretty well with the dialogue, but when Sarah got out of the car, I put my foot on the gas and lurched backwards! Fortunately, I didn’t hit anything but I had that flash of ‘Oh, my God, what if I plowed into the car behind me?” In my panic, I was also sure that Charlie [Martin Smith, the director] was thinking, ‘What kind of incompetent do we have here?’ and I would be fired immediately. Of course, I wasn’t.”
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Luke was a vampire and Arnold Schwarzenegger lookalike, seen in season one. He was an incredibly strong member of The Master’s Brethren of Aurelius who was chosen to become the vessel. Once every 100 years, the Master was able to gain power through a ritual called the Harvest. After a brief ceremony in which blood was painted on Luke’s face, the Master said, “Every soul he takes will feed me. Their souls will grant me the strength to free myself.” Luke headed to the Bronze to kill victims to give the Master strength, but he was staked by Buffy in 1.02 The Harvest.
Marcia Shulman
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Marcia Shulman was casting director on Buffy. She started out working on Sesame Street before realising she wanted to be a casting director. In the late 80s she was involved in the New York independent film scene as a producer and a casting director. Marcia has also casted the movies From Dusk Till Dawn III: The Hangman’s Daughter (which starred Ara Celi - Ampata in 2.04 Inca Mummy Girl) Bullet, Saints and Sinners, Johnny Suede, Vampire’s Kiss and the TV shows Dilbert, Felicity, Dawson’s Creek and Clarissa.
Gail Berman, the Executive Producer of Buffy approached Marcia to cast for Buffy. Marcia says:

“I actually wasn’t interested, because I didn’t want to come to LA. I’m a New Yorker and that’s where I wanted to stay. But I read the script, and I was so excited by it - I thought it was brilliant. The funny thing is, when she conceptually pitched it to me, it was not something I felt would be interesting to me.

I came to LA, sat in a room with Joss - and we really clicked. We both had a very historical sense of who these [characters were]. I talked to him about casting ideas but all the people were dead, because they were such classic characters in a sense. Even though I knew he wanted to make it all very hip and modern, the prototypes were very classic for us, and we had the same prototypes. Considering these were dead actors, that was pretty extraordinary.

So he hired me right then and there and we went to work. Buffy really completely changed my life because I went from casting and producing films to casting for television, becoming the Head of Casting at Twentieth Century Fox studios, and then becoming the Head of Casting for the Fox Network - and it’s all because of Buffy.”
Mark Metcalf
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Mark Metcalf, who played the Master, was born in Findlay, Ohio, in 1946. He has had numerous roles in TV and film, most notably in National Lampoon’s Animal House as Niedermayer and as The Maestro in Seinfeld. Mark has also been in Teen Angel, Ally McBeal, Star Trek: Voyager, Melrose Place, Party of Five and Hill Street Blues. He played the father in Twisted Sister’s “We’re Not Gonna Take It” video.
Marketing Buffy
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The WB was originally unsure about the show’s “schizophrenic” combination of horror, drama, and comedy, not because they were opposed to it but because they were uncertain how to market it.
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The Master was an ancient vampire, who celebrated the Old Ones, a race of demons who walked the earth before humanity. These Old Ones were under the Hellmouth and it was the Master’s wish to free them and let them roam the Earth again. The Master sired Darla in the Virginia colony in 1609 and she joined his Order of Aurelius before leaving with Angel. The Master tried to open the Hellmouth in 1937, but a huge earthquake rocked the area, trapping most of the town, and the Master himself. He tried to get free several times and it wasn’t until Giles found a prophecy saying that Buffy would face the Master and die that he managed to free himself. Buffy confronted the Master, who drank her blood and threw her in a pool of water, killing her. The power the Master got from Buffy’s blood freed him and some tentacled monsters, and he headed into fresh air to cause some trouble. Luckily Buffy was given CPR by Xander and she managed to kill the Master by throwing him on some broken wood, staking him.
Master Source
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In 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth, No Heroes from the Master Source music library can be heard as Joyce drives Buffy to school.
Michael Gershman
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Michael Gershman was the director of photography on Buffy from 1997 to 2001 and also directed several episodes from seasons two to seven. He was also a director for Crossing Jordan, and a camera operator for films including Falling Down, Shattered, Die Hard 2, Midnight Run, Some Kind of Wonderful, Movers & Shakers, Blow Out and The Deer Hunter.
Mutant Enemy
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Mutant Enemy is Joss Whedon’s production company, started in 1997 for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He took the name from a Yes song called “And You, And I”. Mutant Enemy was also the name Joss gave to his first typewriter when he was 15. The logo for the company was created in 20 minutes after he was told he had to have one. The company also produced Joss’s TV shows Angel and Firefly.

Joss Whedon supplied for the voice for the Mutant Enemy monster who says “Grrr….Argh” at the end of each episode.

Mutant Enemy’s offices were on the lot of 20th Century Fox in Los Angeles, previously the home of Chris Carter’s Ten Thirteen Productions.
Natalie Strauss
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Natalie played a teacher in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth, and in 1.04 Teacher’s Pet. She has also been in Picket Fences, Roseanne, Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Gilmore Girls.
Neiman Marcus
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In 1.13 She, Cordelia says:

“I was dreaming there was a going-out-of-business sale at Neiman’s.”

Neiman Marcus is an upscale, expensive, speciality department store in the U.S., grouped with the likes of Bloomingdale’s.
In 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth, Buffy says that Sunnydale is

“Two hours on the freeway from Neiman-Marcus.”
Nicky’s piercings and tattoos
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Nicholas Brendon used to have his belly button pierced, but he removed the piercing because both he and Joss Whedon agreed that Xander probably wouldn’t have one. Nicholas has two tattoos: a cross with a jewel in the centre in his right arm and a Latin symbol on the bicep of his left arm.
Original concept for Buffy
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Joss Whedon has the following to say about the original concept of the show:

“The first thing I ever thought of when I thought of Buffy: The Movie was the little…blonde girl who goes into a dark alley and gets killed, in every horror movie. The idea of Buffy was to subvert that idea, that image, and create someone who was a hero where she had always been a victim. That element of surprise…[and] genre-busting is very much at the heart of both the movie and the series. The sequence here is also part of that mission… The helpless blonde girl…who, at the end of this scene, turns out to be something a little more than we expected.”
Persia White
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Persia White played Aura, one of Cordelia’s friends in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth who discovered the “extreme dead body”, and Aggie in the Angel episode 2.20 Over The Rainbow. Persia once appeared with Charisma Carpenter in an episode of Malibu Shores called ‘Hotline’ in 1996. Persia appeared in an episode of the TV show Goode Behaviour, which starred Bianca Lawson (Kendra). Persia has played Lynn on UPN’s Girlfriends for six seasons.
Plagues are fun
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The shooting script for 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth had a slightly modified version of the history teacher’s lesson on the Black Plague. The line in italics was not included in the episode:

“It’s estimated that about 25 million people died in that one four year span. But the fun part of the Black Plague is that it originated in Europe how? As an early form of germ warfare. The plague was first found in Asia, and a Kipchak army actually catapulted plague-infested corpses into a Genoese trading post. Ingenious. If you can look at the map on page 63 you can trace the spread of the disease…”
Previous Slayers trailer
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The first time 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth was shown in America, it was preceded by a short trailer that referred to previous slayers such as Lucy Hanover (who now regularly pops up in the Buffy books and comics). This has never been shown again in America and has never been seen overseas.
Principal Flutie’s extended welcome
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The shooting script for 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth shows additional dialogue for Buffy and Principal Flutie’s conversation in his office on her first day. These lines take place between where he actually looks at her transcript and begins taping it together

Principal Flute: “At Sunnydale we nurture the whole student. The inner student… Other schools might look at the incredible decline in grade point average — we look at the struggling young woman with the incredible decline in grade point average. Other schools might look at the reports of gang fights–”

The dialogue then continues with Principal Flutie’s offer that Buffy can call him Bob as shown in the episode.
Prophecy lady
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Joyce’s parting words to Buffy when she dropped her off at her new school in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth were:

“Try not to get kicked out”.

Buffy was, of course, expelled in season two’s 2.22 Becoming (Part Two).
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The scene in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth in which Giles and Buffy are in the library arguing about Buffy’s reluctance to assume her Slayer duties was actually shot eight months after the rest of the episode. In the original version, Sarah had come across as far too angry and so the scene was completely reshot.
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In 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth, Cordelia tells Willow she’s seen the “softer side of Sears”, which is a department store.
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Whilst dressing for the Bronze in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth, Buffy holds up a black dress and says:

“Hi! I’m an enormous slut!”

The network executives apparently didn’t approve of the use of the word ’slut’. It was only after Joss Whedon explained that it was in the context of Buffy not wanting to appear a slut that they allowed it.
Solomon’s important role
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David Solomon was the person who moved the Mutant Enemy monster across the screen, which can be seen at the end of every episode.
Sprung Monkey
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The first ever band to play at the Bronze was Sprung Monkey in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth. They play “Things Are Changing” from their album Swirl as Buffy leaves the Bronze looking for Willow, and “Believe”, from the same album, as Buffy enters the Bronze for the first time. They also play “Swirl” in the Bronze. We hear their song “Saturated” (from the album Swirl) as Buffy is choosing an outfit.

Their song “Right My Wrong” (again from Swirl) can be heard in 1.02 The Harvest as Buffy attempts to leave the school, and “Reluctant Man” (Swirl) can be heard in 1.06 The Pack when the bullies enter The Bronze.
Stepping out, Willow style
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After the first episode the WB didn’t like Willow’s style (dowdy) so they requested that she dress differently, and be (confusingly) more like Buffy.
Sunnydale High School
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Sunnydale High School exteriors were shot at Torrance High School, previously used for the series Beverly Hills 90210. When the movie She’s All That (starring Sarah’s future husband Freddie Prinze Jr.) filmed there, Sarah Michelle Gellar filmed a brief cameo during a break in her Buffy schedule.

Every Buffy episode in seasons one to three were set in the high school, and it was blown up in 3.22 Graduation Day (Part Two). The Scoobies revisited the High School in 4.11 Doomed, and the school was eventually rebuilt and reopened in the episode 7.01 Lessons.

Sunnydale High had known three Principals: Flutie, Snyder and Wood. It was destroyed, along with Sunnydale, in 7.22 Chosen.
Sunnydale High’s Halls
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For the first season, there was only one hall for Sunnydale High school because of a tight budget so they reused the same hall over and over again, redressing it in different ways.
Sunnydale High’s Library
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When Joss Whedon first envisioned the Sunnydale High School Library, he wanted something dark and crowded. The idea was abandoned as lighting a place would have been difficult, and the library become more modern and bright. The Sunnydale High School Library was known as the “Bat Cave” by the Buffy crew. All the books in the stacks were real books.
Teddy Lane Jnr.
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Teddy played the Bouncer at the Bronze in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth and 1.02 The Harvest. He has also been in Bringing Down the House, Strong Medicine, V.I.P, and The One.
The Bronze
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The only place to go at night in Sunnydale is the Bronze, unless you are a demon in which case there is a fine selection of bars provided for you. The Bronze is first seen in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth. Cordelia told Buffy about it:

“It’s the only club worth going to around here. They let anybody in, but it’s still the scene.”

The Bronze has been the scene of many a broken heart, many bad outfits and many, many displays of bad dancing. Some notable events took place there: Luke held the ‘Harvest’ there, where he was to provide sustenance to the Master by feeding off victims; Angel staked Darla at the Bronze in 1.07 Angel; The Scoobies met Faith there in 3.03 Faith, Hope And Trick; Vampire Willow staged a siege there in 3.16 Doppelgangland; Olaf the Troll smashed the Bronze up in 5.11 Triangle.
Spike is obsessed with an onion flower they make, which he mentions on several occasions (5.11 Triangle, 5.14 Crush, 7.19 Empty Places). They also serve spicy buffalo wings (5.14 Crush), peanuts (5.11 Triangle) and croissants (1.06 The Pack). The Bronze serves alcohol but are very strict about the age limit.
Many bands are seen playing at the Bronze. These have included Cibo Matto, Aimee Mann, Sprung Monkey (the first band to be shown playing there), The Breeders, Nerf Herder and Velvet Chain. Giles sang there in 4.22 Restless, an episode which also featured Anya performing a stand-up routine on the stage.
The first person to be cast
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Anthony Stewart Head (Giles) was the first member of the main Buffy cast to be given a role. He was cast on the first day of casting. According to Marcia Shulman (on the ‘Casting’ featurette on the season 5 DVD) the moment Anthony spoke, they knew he was the one. Another interesting fact is that Giles was not originally written as English, Marcia felt this would be an interesting addition to the character after meeting Anthony.
The pilot episode
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As with most TV shows, a pilot episode was made for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which was never aired on TV. The pilot was very similar to the story seen in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth.

One notable absence from the cast in the pilot is Alyson Hannigan - the part of Willow is instead played by Riff Regan, who was replaced soon afterwards.

The pilot episode did not include the characters Angel or the Master. Characters in the pilot who later went on to appear in the show include Buffy, Giles, Xander, Willow, Cordelia, Harmony, Jonathan (then an unnamed character), Principal Flutie and Darla.

There are a few other differences - the school is called “Berryman High”, the library is much bigger and Principal Flutie is played by Stephen Tobolowsky.
The Slayer
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The Slayer is “one girl in all the world born with the strength and skill to hunt vampires” (and all other evil). When one Slayer dies, another is chosen to take her place. A Watcher is assigned to each Slayer, to help, advise and train her. The Slayer is also called The 7.22 Chosen One. Because of the nature of their work, Slayers traditionally do not live very long. Slayers seen on the show include Buffy Summers, Kendra, Faith, the First Slayer and Nikki Wood.
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Thomas was the first vampire to be staked by Buffy on the show. Giles urged Buffy to use her slayer intuition to find a vampire in the Bronze but she instead used her common sense, pointing to Thomas, who was dressed in badly aged 80s clothes. Thomas was a member of the Master’s Brethren and met Willow who he offered to take for ice cream. Buffy saved Willow when she was attacked (1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth).
Thought you’d be taller
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When Angel first met Buffy in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth, he said that he thought she’d be taller, implying that he’d never seen her before. In 2.21 Becoming (Part One), we saw a flashback of Angel watching Buffy when she was chosen as a Slayer in L.A. Angel later mentioned the sighting to Buffy in the episode 3.12 Helpless. I’m not including this as a ‘goof’ as a lot of sites have, as the show had just started, and Joss hadn’t decided how Buffy and Angel’s relationship would turn out yet.

It’s possible that Angel’s comment was an in-joke directed at those who saw the movie, as Kristy Swanson, who played Buffy in the movie, is 5′7″ and Sarah Michelle Gellar is 5′3″.
Tupelo Jereme
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Tupelo Jereme appeared as ‘Girl’ in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth. She has also been in Pariah.
Vampy Angel
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An unconfirmed rumour goes that Joss Whedon didn’t decide to make Angel a vampire until after the first couple of episodes were shot.
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A Watcher is a person who works for the Watcher’s Council. Watchers are assigned to Slayers to train, help and prepare them. The main Watcher on the show was Rupert Giles, Buffy’s Watcher. He and the Slayer became very close and he acted as a father-figure to her and her sister, Dawn. Giles was sacked by the Council in 3.12 Helpless because of this closeness. He was replaced with Wesley Wyndham-Pryce in 3.14 Bad Girls, who became the Watcher for both Buffy and Faith, before Buffy quit and Faith went bad. Other Watchers seen on the show include Gwendolyn Post, a Watcher who went bad and briefly fooled the Scoobies into thinking she was the real thing (Revelations), and Quentin Travers, Lydia, Phillip and Nigel (amongst others) in 5.12 Checkpoint when they came to test Buffy. Lydia told Spike she wrote her thesis on him. Giles mentioned that his father and grandmother were Watcher’s before him, and Wesley’s father Roger was also a Watcher, suggesting that being a Watcher is somewhat of a family tradition.
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Whilst she is picking out what to wear to go to the Bronze in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth, Buffy holds up a flowery dress saying:

“Hello, would you like a copy of the Watchtower?”

This is a reference to the Jehovah’s Witness magazine Watchtower.
In 4.12 Calvary, Lilah says:

“Don’t go Watchtower on me Saint Cordelia, I don’t think I could stomach it.”
Xander’s skateboard
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Xander is first seen in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth riding - and falling off - his skateboard. Though the board fit in well with his character, it was decided that Xander would stop using it because lighting a moving figure was too complicated and expensive.
[Goof] Book positions
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When Buffy and Giles are arguing about Buffy being the Slayer in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth, Giles hands her some books. When he gives them to her the spines of the books are facing one way and when she gives them back to him they are facing the other way. They alternate like that a few times before they are finally put down.
[Goof] Buffy’s drink
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When Willow and Buffy are talking in the Bronze in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth, Buffy has a drink with a straw and some cherries. In the shots where we see Willow, Buffy is sometimes eating a cherry or drinking from the straw, but in quick cuts to Buffy’s face, she’s not. This occurs a few times in this scene.
[Goof] Darla’s button
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In the opening sequence of 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth, Darla’s top button on her shirt is undone but when she vamps up, the shirt is closed.
[Goof] Drummer
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In The Bronze in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth, there is a close-up of the drummer playing. The beat in the song and the drummers hands are out of synch.
[Goof] Extra extra
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When Buffy drops her purse on the floor in 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth, there’s a girl in a striped skirt in the background walking down the hall. In the next shot (where we see Xander) the same girl is walking down the hall but in the opposite direction.
[Goof] Physically impossible
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In 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth, Darla’s bitemarks on the dead boy run horizontally. It would be impossible for Darla to have positioned her head to get bitemarks like this.
[Goof] What’s a slayer?
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In 1.01 Welcome To The Hellmouth, Darla doesn’t seem to know what a Slayer is but we know from future Buffy and Angel episodes (such as 5.07 Fool For Love) that she does. She should have known straight away that Buffy is the Slayer.






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не подумайте не чего просто очень много и непонятно..Надр идти Анг. учить)



Вечером выложу продолжение 3-го сезона, на русском  http://goodboard.ru/uploads/romantic/post-14-1208609090.gif



Я могу попытаться перевести это... про 10 любимых эпизодов Джосса Ведона вы вроде поняли, значит не слишком коряво было... но ток в этот раз это побольше времени займет, т.к., как заметила Power-of-Three, здесь много...



Rusalka, если не сложно....  give-rose*  give-rose*



Будем благодарны! give-rose*



Ок, только предупреждаю: быстро не получится... :)



класс, первый пост ржачный и не понятный, этот просто непонятныйhttp://goodboard.ru/uploads/romantic/post-14-1208607594.gif



Итак, я разобрала статью Dawn. Как я поняла, это статья о некоторых интересных моментах, касающихся сериала. Например, рассказывается о том, что дверь в дом Баффи видоизменяется в течение нескольких серий первых сезонов, говорится о том, кто из актерского состава этой серии где еще играл, ну и все в таком духе. Я решила выложить сюда самые интересные детали. Но пишу перевод не дословный, а так сказать, адаптированный. Надеюсь, не закидаете меня тухлыми помидорами… :)

•  В серии 1.01 «Welcome To The Hellmouth» Ангел дает Баффи цепочку с крестом. Впоследствии эту цепочку можно видеть на Баффи в сериях 1.02 «The Harvest», 1.12 «Prophecy Girl», а также в серии 2.14 «Innocence» висящим в комнате Баффи; крест появляется также на несколько мгновений на Баффи в серии 2.22, когда она плачет, понимая, что потеряет Ангела. (Кстати, я где-то читала, что эта цепочка – единственная вещь, связанная с сериалом, которую Сара Мишель Геллар хранит у себя дома. Она висит у нее на стене в гостиной)

•  Энтони Стюард Хэд о том, почему он согласился на роль Джайлза: «Когда ты – британский актер в Лос-Анджелесе, тебе все вокруг кажется неправдоподобным и двуличным, а люди - негодяями или идиотами. (Далее какая-то мудреная фраза, напичканная английскими устойчивыми выражениями, короче, сколько голову ни ломала, не перевела) Когда я прочел сценарий Баффи, я был поражен тем, что кто-то написал роль специально для британца. Кроме того, Джосс Ведон пишет замечательные диалоги; когда читаешь сценарий, тебе постоянно хочется перевернуть страницу, узнать, что будет дальше; во многих местах невозможно не засмеяться. Для актера большая редкость получить такой сценарий. Роль Джайлза привлекла меня еще и потому, что я видел много возможностей для игры, для развития моего персонажа»

•  Брайн Томпсон, который играл Люка в 1.01 «Welcome To The Hellmouth» и 1.02 «The Harvest and The Judge» снимался также в «Секретных материалах» и (внимание!) «Зачарованных» в эпизоде «Oh My Goddess»(это, если я не ошибаюсь, серии 5.21 и 5.22)

•  Дэвид Бореназ был последним актером, утвержденным в основном актерском составе для первой серии сериала. Марсия Шулман, директор по кастингу, все никак не могла найти нужного ей актера. Она просмотрела сотни мужчин к тому времени, когда один ее друг увидел на улице Дэвида, выгуливающего собаку, и позвал ее, сказав: «Я нашел идеального Ангела» (Боже, как он был прав!  ;) ) Впоследствии этот парень и станет агентом Дэвида. Итак, Дэвид пришел к Марсии в офис – а это был последний день перед съемками первого эпизода сериала – и она написала в своей записной книжке: «Он тот, кто нужен» (“He is the Guy”; но дословный перевод «Он - парень» по-русски звучит как-то тупо и оскорбительно по отношению к Дэвиду, поэтому своим вольным переводом я попыталась отразить суть того, что имела в виду директор по кастингу :) )

•  Джосс Ведон о том, как Баффи превратилась из кино в сериал: «На самом деле, это было не моей идеей. После премьеры того ужасного фильма моя жена сказала: «Ты знаешь, дорогой, может быть, через несколько лет ты сделаешь его снова, но только так, как ты захочешь». А я - ей: «Ха-ха! Ты так наивна! Этого никогда не будет» А три года спустя Гейлу Берману пришла в голову та самая идея, Sandollar Television дало добро, они вызвали меня, связанного с ними контрактными обязательствами, и сказали: «Найди хорошего сценариста и уговори его»; мне понравилась идея про сериал, я согласился. К удивлению и огорчению моего агента, я сказал ему: «Да, я буду это делать. И я думаю, у меня все получится. Это будет «школьный» фильм ужасов. Смогу воплотить мой опыт, ведь мои школьные годы были просто паршивыми». Итак, я не придумывал оригинальную идею, я лишь развил ее»

Фух, остальную часть выложу попозже… Перевожу-то я быстро, а вот печатаю медленно… :) Так что продолжение будет попозже :)



Вау!!!!!!!!Супер!!!!!!!Спасибо за перевод!



Очень интересно, спасибо огромное за перевод!!!



Классс...Русалка спасибо)))



Выкладываю продолжение перевода. Спасиб за столько благодарностей. :)

•  Эта сцена между Баффи и мистером Флути (это вроде первый директор)  была вырезана из окончательного монтажа серии 1.01 «Welcome To The Hellmouth»:
М-р Флути: «О, Баффи! Мм, что ты хотела?»
Баффи: «Э-э… Там тот парень, который умер?»
М-р Флути: «Где ты услышала об этом? Ну ладно. Да. Но он не студент. Теперь уже»
Баффи: «Вы не знаете, как он погиб?»
М-р Флути: «Что?»
Баффи: «Я имею в виду, вы не знаете, как это произошло?»
М-р Флути: «Ну это установит полиция. Но у нас хорошая система безопасности, есть охранники, я надеюсь, они не будут устраивать судебный процесс…»
Баффи: «Там было много крови? Вообще, кровь была?»
М-р Флути: «Не думаю, что ты должна втягивать себя в это…»
Баффи: «Я и не собиралась. Я могу просто взглянуть?»
М-р Флути: «Значит, уже втянута…»
Баффи: «Это неважно…»
М-р Флути: «Баффи, я понимаю, ты напугана, много эмоций… Просто раздели их с кем-то…»

•  Через весь сериал проходит фраза «Kill them all» («Убей их всех!»)
* В серии 1.01 «Welcome To The Hellmouth» Ангел говорит Баффи: “You want to kill them. You want to kill them all.” («Ты хочешь убить их. Ты хочешь убить их всех») 
* В эпизоде 2.01 «When She Was Bad» Ангел спрашивает у Баффи, как она собирается справиться с вампирами, на что она отвечает: «I’m gonna kill them all.» («Убью их всех»)
* В эпизоде 2.17 «Disharmony» Уэсли говорит, когда они окружены вампирами: «Kill em all!» («Убейте их всех!»)
* В «Ангеле», в эпизоде 5.10 «Soul Purpose» Ангел говорит:
Ангел: «Let’s kill them all» («Давайте убьем их всех!»)
Все смотрят на Ангела.
Фред: «Что?»
Ангел: «Ну, колдуны, миньоны – это же все зло. Они продали своих детей дьяволу. Давайте просто сотрем их с лица земли. Мы ведь имеем силы для этого, верно?» (Вот тут мой перевод может быть не совсем верным, так как я толком не понимаю, о чем они говорят. Судить вам, тем кто видел пятый сезон «Ангела» :) )

•  У Николаса Брендона был проколот пупок, но ему пришлось вынуть пирсинг перед началом съемок в «Баффи», т.к. они с Джоссом Ведоном сошлись в мнении, что вряд ли Ксандер мог бы иметь пирсинг :)

•  Сцена из эпизода 1.01 «Welcome To The Hellmouth», где Джайлз пытается призвать ее к своим обязанностям истребительницы, была снята через восемь месяцев после всего эпизода. В первоначальной версии, Сара сыграла эту сцену слишком агрессивно, поэтому она была переснята. (А так как первый сезон показывался после того, как все серии были сняты, то это не вызвало никаких проблем)

•  Энтони Стюард Хэд был первым актером, утвержденным в основном актерском составе сериала. Он был утвержден в первый же день проб. Марсии Шулман, директору по кастингу, понравилось то, как Энтони говорит, и она поняла, что роль англичанина-наблюдателя – его.

•  В эпизоде 1.01 «Welcome To The Hellmouth» мы видим Ксандера на скейте. Впоследствии было решено, что Ксандр больше не будет использовать его, так как снимать движущихся людей слишком сложно и дорого :)

Ну вроде все. Во всяком случае, остальное либо здесь уже выкладывалось, либо не слишком интересно



Спасибки тебе, Большое...!!!! give-rose*



• У Николаса Брендона был проколот пупок, но ему пришлось вынуть пирсинг перед началом съемок в «Баффи», т.к. они с Джоссом Ведоном сошлись в мнении, что вряд ли Ксандер мог бы иметь пирсинг

ппц http://goodboard.ru/uploads/romantic/post-14-1208608519.gif http://goodboard.ru/uploads/romantic/post-14-1208607594.gif http://goodboard.ru/uploads/romantic/post-14-1208609534.gif http://goodboard.ru/uploads/romantic/post-14-1208609534.gif